Reiki I & II
Begin your Reiki healing journey with this
2-day workshop class that provides the background and basics for bioenergetic work.
Learn the history and evolution of Reiki energy and how it works through the practitioner. Learn the hand positions and other techniques that provide the basis for Reiki sessions. Learn how to provide a complete Reiki session and prepare yourself to provide this healing modality to self and others.
Reiki I & II can be offered in-person or online. $425
Holy Fire® III Reiki ART/Master
Continue your Reiki journey with this 3-day intensive workshop that brings your practice to professional fulfillment. As well as providing you the basis for teaching Reiki to others, this class is a powerful healing experience.
ART/Master Class can be offered in-person or online. $850
Karuna Reiki® Master Class
Take your Reiki experience to the highest levels with this class. Taught in a 2-day intensive workshop, you will experience a much deeper, broader, and finer level of Reiki energy that you can then share with others for the highest and best wholeness of ourselves and our planet.
Karuna ® Reiki can be taught in-person or online. $750
Journey to the OpenHeart
This is an invitation to explore your world and the relationships within it.
This is both an inner and an outer journey with the ultimate destination being a homecoming to your Authentic Self… your Open Heart!
The class consists of a series of monthly lessons paced throughout the year.
Topics include:
-understanding the spiritual and scientific basis of the energy of the Universe,
-understanding, use, and practice of bioenergetic energy (Reiki I)
-understanding and practice of right relationship with the world as expressed in indigenous cultures
-understanding and exploring the Divine Feminine through history into present time
-understanding the role of frequency and vibration in healing
-growing an awareness of the cycles of earth, moon, stars, and planets and how they affect our lives.
All classes are rich in resource materials to guide your understanding and interest.
In-person or online, the Investment for this year of exploration is $750.